
Coronavirus Lockdown: So I’ve Started A New Website

They say that the Coronavirus lockdown is the perfect opportunity to start that new project you always said you would get around one of these days. This could be starting your own business using that skill you’ve kept hidden, developing your own podcast from your makeshift recording studio/broom-cupboard, or working on your dance moves to share with the ‘yoof’ around the world on Tik Tok.

Well…I’m too old for the Tik Tok. I say “mmm” too much to record my own podcast. And my hidden talent is something that even I haven’t discovered yet, let alone think about how to monetise it.

So, I’ve gone with the new website approach. 

What’s It Going To Be About?

I’m going to stick mostly to the content I’ve been watching, listening to, and reading to whilst under lockdown during this time of emergency. We’re all consuming more and more content, like a media obsessed zombie-horde, and you can’t go more than 10 minutes these days without having someone ask if you have “…anything to watch on Netflix?” It therefore makes sense that we should all have some sort of outlet to share what we’ve been doing, and the internet probably is the best place to shout into a void these days.

What have you been doing over the last couple of days?

I’ve mainly been working on my jigsaw puzzle skills. No wait, come back! It’s a cool puzzle, I promise. What do you mean those words don’t go together?

Well, I recently purchased this Killian Eng Alien puzzle from Mondo, who are based over in the US. They make some of the most amazing prints, t-shirts, vinyl, and now puzzles from the artwork of up-and-coming artists and they typically focus on the usual pop culture stuff you see around these days. Their puzzle series included Marvel stuff, Jurassic Park and this stunning piece on the classic Ridley Scott Alien film.

The puzzle itself…well, it was pretty tricky. The image is so, so pretty, but you can see that it’s a magic-eye kaleidoscope of random blue and black shapes. I’m genuinely seeing these shapes everywhere I look these days. 

The puzzles aren’t cheap when you factor in the international postage fees and the import charges, but this is something that I’m going to cherish. I can’t wait to get it up on my walls.

I’ve also ordered a Die Hard jigsaw puzzle that is scheduled to arrive in the summer. This one will be a lot easier to complete. 

What else will you be writing about?

Anything really. I’ll also be sharing my thoughts on anything that comes into my bored, self-isloating mind whilst enduring this lockdown. Will it be any good? Probably not, but we all need something to do with our newly-acquired spare-time with ourselves. Hopefully you’ll find something that may interest you, maybe even distract you for a few minutes, or else find something that you’ll want to discuss further with someone…even if it’s someone you’ve just discovered shouting at random stuff on the internet!

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